Zvir—means “Animal” in Ukrainian. A little self-promotion designed around the playful nature of Ukrainian and Russian letterforms.
Звір—це невеличке селф промо, яке народилося навколо чарівних українських та російських літер.
The Orange Girl is a children's book, based around a family that has moved to a new place. While her parents and grandparents revisit their memories the Orange Girl "travels" with them.
All of the illustrations are made using my own brush sets.
Помаранчева Дівчинка—книжка про маленьку дівчинку, яка народилася в іншій країні. Протягом книжки, її родичі розповідають про минуле, а дівчинка мандрує спогадами разом із ними.
Усі іллюстрації виконані власноствореними пензлями.
What Do You Like? is a 32-page bilingual book (in Ukrainian and English), written and illustrated as part of my thesis preparation. The main character, a timid little chick, who has just moved to a new place, is asked "What Do You Like?" by Olesya—his more adventurous peer. With every question, the two little chicks are transported from one memory to another, ultimately becoming friends.
This book explores stylistic solutions and influences of two different cultures, while utilizing simple language, allowing children from 3–7 years of age to follow along.
You may preview my other books here.
Що Тобі Подобається?—книжка-білингва (Українська та Англійська) написана та намальована на другому курсі моєї магістратури. Один з героїв книжки—маленьке сором'язливе курчатко—знайомиться з Олесею, яка запитує в нього: "Що тобі подобається?" Шукаючи відповідь на це запитання протягом усієї книжки, обидва курчатка мандрують спогадами. У кінці книжки герої стають друзями.
Культурне поєднання обох мов візуально підкреслено кольоровими іллюстраціями, а текст розрахований на діточок віком від 3 до 7-ми років.
Ви можете подивитися мої інші книжки тут.
Illustrations for my book A Trip Back Home were inspired by my trip to Ukraine in the summer of 2016. It was my fırst trip back since the onset of political unrest in 2014, which has deeply affected my life and work. Though Kiev/Kyiv is where I grew up, during this trip I approached each outing with the “eyes of a tourist.” I took pictures of all things interesting to me, resulting in over 3,000 images. The collection of sketches I made based on the photographs I took during this trip served as a guide toward new, complete drawings for this book. I hope you enjoy them.
These are just some of the illustrations from the 64 page book.
A series of prints themed around dog personalities, and created in time for the Year of the Dog:
Berta—miniature greyhound;
Leonard—pitbull mix.
Рік собаки—це серія іллюстрацій присвячена до Року Собаки, та різним персональним характеристикам кожного собаки.
Берта—італійський хорт;
Леонард—помісь пітбуля.
A series of illustrations, created for a group show, based around the concept of Consumption. Instead of focusing on a serious subject, I have decided to add some humor into my pieces. Thus, Fruit Characters were born.
Фруктові Персонажі
Ці іллюстрації були намальовані для виставки, яка створювалася з тематикою Споживання. Замість серьйозних тем, я вирішила підкреслити гуморну сторону цього концепту. В результаті, вийшли чудові Фруктові Персонажі.
A project that was spun into action as part of the Inktober (a facebook initiative), and turned into something more—a fruit-themed medley of funny little scenes:
1. Rescued Tomato
2. Bananabird
3. Orange Punk
4. Chance Encounter
5. Spoiled Princess
6. Kiwi Prince
7. Melodramatic Cauliflower
8. Pattypan Grace
9. Goth Pear in Despair
10. Fashionable Lemon
11. Selfie Eggplant
From May 2013–January 2014 I was an editorial designer at 417 Magazine. This section contains some of the published editorial illustrations from that time.
1. Harmony House: "The mission of Harmony House is to provide shelter, advocacy and education to survivors of domestic violence and promote the principle that all individuals have the right to a life free of abuse."
2. Judge Portraits: the November 2013 issue of 417 Magazine focused on pizza—were one can get the best pie, most original toppings, pick up the best carry out, etc. These illustrations were portraits for the story focusing on the best take-and-bake locations.
3. Top Dentists: an annual list of the best dentists in the area, selected by their peers.
4. The Moxie: an illustration for an article about The Moxie, a local independent movie theatre, moving to a bigger location.
Paper Muse Press was a greeting card company, that offered illustration-based templates for personal photos. A customer could pick from multiple designs, and order cards for various occasions. While working as part of a team, I got to create the following templates.
Art direction by Katie Canada of Departika, and Sarah Carney Norris.
This little collection of watercolour sketches was created for my husband, who went on a 3-week trip to Europe. Every day he would open up a little envelope with a new illustration. These characters were meant as a humorous daily diary:
Hipster Parrot and his Brewski.
Bunsky Bananski
Personal Caterpillar
Vasiliy—the friendly bacillus
From monthly colouring sheets to illustrations for various advertising, I got to create multiple pieces for this kid-friendly dentistry.
Art direction by Katie Canada of Departika.
This series of illustrations for Idaho® Spuds™ were created to be a part of social media and newsletter campaigns, and were generally used online.
Art direction by Katie Canada of Departika.
Blue, light blue, red cardstock on yellow paper background.
W: 39 in. H: 27 in.
This piece has been selected as a Merit winner in the Student Handlettered Work category of PRINT Typography & Lettering Awards 2016.
Синій, блакитний, червоний та жовтий папір.
100 на 69 см.